Change Your Reality by Changing Your Thoughts

Your Daily Inspiration:

Inspired By:

“Today I focus on what I want to attract in my life. The mind is potential energy and we can change our reality by changing our thoughts.”

~ Deepak Chopra


What would we like more of? More love, extra money, improved health, better job? Everything we create begins with a thought. Begin by planting a ’thought seed’. Have them be clear in intent so there is no confusion in the growth of our new harvest of thoughts.

Reminding you today, to ask yourself…if you could have anything, what would it look like? What would it feel like? Tap into your most powerful resource (your thoughts) and create the life you want.

Daydream, use your imagination, nurture your thought seeds. No need to reign yourself in or limit yourself. Allow your thoughts to be unlimited in creating your desires. Open up and give yourself permission to be guided and receive…you are unlimited.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• My thoughts bring healing energy to everyone I come in contact with.

• I am a Yes person living in a Yes world.

Out with Old Patterns – In with New Intentions

Your Daily Inspiration:

Inspired By:

Our life always expresses the results of our dominant thoughts.”

~ Soren Kierkegaard


It all begins with mindfully setting our intentions to create the day we want to experience. If we don’t consciously do it, we are still creating – just unconsciously with threads of our automatic, robotic thinking that will bring us the same day with old frustrations.


Reminding you today, to be mindful and deliberate in your intentions. Resist falling into old patterns if you feel they have kept you stuck or not moving forward as quickly as you would like.


What do you want today? It starts with the intention to create the life you love.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

  • I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts.
  • The Universe is always finding unique ways to increase my prosperity.

What is Your Loop of Self-Talk?

Your Daily Inspiration:

Inspired By:

“As you inquire into issues and turn judgements around, you come to see that every perceived problem appearing ‘out there’ is really nothing more than a misperception within your own thinking.”

~ Byron Katie


FEAR…we have all experienced it as some point or another. Maybe ‘in it’ right now. The question is, how much of it is stopping us from getting what we want out of life?

Are we feeding ourselves with a loop of self talk, false narratives or re-running negatives others have projected upon us?

Reminding you today, to make the decision that you are not going to ‘feed the fears’.

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

Stay in the now with who you are now. Stay in your faith, with trust, courage and patience. Be in sync with the powerfulness within you.

Release the need to struggle, let it be easy. Smile knowing you are pushing out of your comfort zone and having new experiences that are elevating you every day.

Don’t allow any negative thoughts to propel the illusion of fear.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• I release the need to struggle. I trust the Universe to take care of me.

• Life is an adventure and the Universe is always on my side.

Infuse Your Amazing Energy in All You Do

Your Daily Inspiration:

Inspired By:

“I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now.”

~ Virginia Satir


Yes! Get excited about who you are, what you can do now and what is to come. What pumps you up? Do that each morning to get yourself revved up for the amazing day ahead.

Reminding you today, that something wonderful is on its way. Each day is a gift and your attitude is paving the way. Energize and re-energize. Not only will you feel great but you will automatically lift others in your path.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• Every day I am more enthusiastic about improving my life.

• Every day I feel more energized about what I am doing.

Opening the Magic Path of Intuition

Your Daily Inspiration:

Inspired By:

You are so busy being YOU that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are.”

~ John Green


Today we focus on opening the magic path of intuition. In our connectedness to source we have a knowing and can tap into what we need at any given moment. When searching for answers we need to remind ourselves that we already ‘know’, trust our internal guidance, and validate our own feelings.


Reminding you todayeverything you need is inside. We, your mirrors, will be there to ignite your flame and inspire what is already within you – but it is already yours. Trust it. Believe it. Nurture it. Grow it.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

  • My spiritual strength is reliable and balanced.
  • Inside of me lies all the answers to all the questions I’ll ever ask.

Switch Your Self Talk with Encouraging Words

Your Daily Inspiration:



Inspired By:

Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” ~ Max Ehrmann


We can create a storm within and chip away at our confidence by being self-critical and judgmental. It is often said that no one is harder on ourselves than we are…why do we do that? It’s not motivating, causes an internal struggle and drains any energy that could propel us forward.

Reminding you today, to reclaim your innocence. Recognize when you are punishing yourself with disparaging dialogue and switch that talk to encouraging words of love as you are constantly growing and learning.

Praise yourself to build up your spirit. Be gentle with yourself. Remember the truth, you are magnificent!


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• I give myself the gift of freedom from the past and move forward with joy in the now.

• I and only I, can change my thinking, for I AM the only thinker in my mind.


Are External Circumstances Determining How You Feel?

Your Daily Inspiration:


Inspired By:

Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else.”

~ Brian L. Weiss


When we believe that happiness is this coveted emotion that can be stimulated or controlled by outside sources or that a job, title, house, or person will make us happy, we are depending upon something outside of us and will always be on a roller coaster of emotions.

Are we letting external sources determine how we feel?

Reminding you today, of your innate joy and that your happiness is your responsibility. Of course there are real stresses in life that you inevitably experience and you can honor those feelings during any trials and tribulations, pulling on your inner strength.

For long term happiness nurture yourself with play; laugh, lighten up and appreciate where you are. Staying in your power of happiness even while you are wanting or craving change will shift you into your next chapter balanced and grounded in the truth of you.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• I acknowledge myself for all the good I have created in my life.

• I remember that in any relationship I can choose the path that makes me happy, whole and complete.

Leave People Better Than You Found Them

Your Daily Inspiration:


Inspired By:

Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” ~ Marvin J. Ashton


Our happiness, light and recognition of another creates a ripple effect and is the gift we can give all day. 

We can leave a little sparkle wherever we go, seeing the best in people, the best in situations, nurturing, supporting, lifting spirits and leaving people better than we found them.

Reminding you today, to share your smile, your joy, your kindness and appreciation everywhere you go. It has an immediate affect and you never know who might have needed your jolt of joy.

Leave a little sparkle wherever you go. Love always wins. Love creates magic.



Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• I express all the love and harmony within me and I find it in everyone in my world.

• I bring a ray of sunshine wherever I go. I am joy and a delight to be with.

This Happens When You Live Life on Purpose

Your Daily Inspiration:


Inspired By:

Money, like health, love, happiness and all forms of success that you want to create for yourself is the result of living purposefully. It is not a goal unto itself.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer


If we don’t live on purpose – we are living by accident. We have the ability to ‘create’ every day, so let’s make sure we’re not accepting life by default. 

We can begin with intention and desire; asking ourselves what we are craving in our life, and with those mindful visions we start the process of living on purpose.

Reminding you today, of your creative side. The side that makes you smile, makes you glow. The side that is an active participant moving forward with purpose and intent. The passionate part of you that devours all life has to offer.



Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• I am the star of my own movie. I am also the writer and the director. I create wonderful roles for myself.

• I see abundance radiating all around me. I now live in limitless love, light and joy.

Raise Your Vibration with Self Love

Your Daily Inspiration:


Inspired By:

There hasn’t been one single day of your life, when the world hasn’t been a better place by your presence in it.” ~ Mike Dooley


Today is all about energizing our vibration with the love of self so we are emanating our love, joy, and infinite value and worth. Raising our vibration begins with self love.

Reminding you today, to nurture your love of self with both simple and grand gestures each day. Everywhere you go you make a difference with your light, your energy touches all.

The world IS a better place because you are in it.

Love yourself like it’s your job and recognize the magnificent light you really are to the world.


Daily Affirmations with Louise Hay

• I am Love. I am Energy. I am a Shining Light.

• I am so grateful for all the good in my life. The gifts I share are returned to me, multiplied many times over.